"The winner of the inaugual Team Strong Heart mission contest is the 7th grader student, Erin Lewison", announced by the mission contest director Bill Beckman, a social science teacher at Maple Grove Junior High, who was also the crew chief for 2008 Race Across America 4-member Team Strong Heart. The 7th grader's parents told us that Erin gave a lot of thoughts, spent many evenings and weekends of research time, "she learned a lot about Team Strong Heart, Camp Odayin, Race Across American, and many things that we do not know about". After Erin explained to us how she heard about the Team Strong Heart's mission, SILENT SPORTS FOUNDATION proudly presented Erin an award sponsored by the FOUNDATION.
Mr. Beckman applauded Erin's dedication, research skills, and depth of understanding of the ultimate Team Strong Heart's mission in the Race Across America, "Erin did a very good job presenting her a tri-fold poster to all of us, including her classmates and the Team Strong Heart supporters."
Erin, her parents, and Mr. Beckman have been invited to visit Camp Odayin on August 12, 1010. Mr. Beckman is planning to direct this mission contest again next year. If you are interested in being a part of it, please contact Mr. Beckman at: BeckmanB@district279.org.