Friday, May 21, 2010

Joyful Evening For Team Strong Heart Supporters -- May 20, 2010

The Thur. night regulars (riders) who ride out of TRAILHEAD CYCLING AND FITNESS (the sponsor of 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Team Strong Heart) were surprised by the rider turnout at the shop parking lot -- no food, no pastries, no drinks -- that doesn't matter. Our guest photographer from Saint Paul Pioneer Press was impressed and very apologetic for his late arrival due to the massive cross-town traffic jam from the east surburb to the west suburb of the Twin Cities, MN. If you think the large turnout is for a photo on paper, you are dead wrong. In fact, the riders were hiding away from the camera lens. Yet, it was totally a heart-felt "send-off" rider party for Team Strong Heart 2010. Representing TSH 2007, 2008, 2009, riders and supporters just laughed, chuckled, bonded with memories, warmed up, then faced off at its summer monthly Fletcher Time Trial Series (#2) fun race.

Event Director, Jay Thompson (2008 TSH RAAM team rider) reported that the course record was tied (22:10) for the 9.7-mile, 4-corner course on the countryside roads. 15 out of 21 riders (15 racers, 2 "lead-offs", 4 timers/helpers/supporters). It was a wonderful evening. Memories will sure be replayed in June, particularly on June 20, somewhere in West Virginia.

Go Team, and "Remember this Night".

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